Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Scar where all my urges bled

So, the advantage of being in academia ? Well, it ensures you've never forgotten what your nightmares were like, as a child. Don't you agree ? No ? Maybe you've just not gotten that kind of stress, that's fine. It's good. Fortunately for me, I have people I can share most of these things with, last week was not the best though in terms of nightmares, three in a week, or was it two. They are blurred, I only remember the feeling, multiple in a day does not bode well I guess.

Ah - well. C'est la vie, non ?

Muse: Butterflies And Hurricanes

everything you are
and everything you were
your number has been called
fights, battles have begun
revenge will surely come
your hard times are ahead

you've got to be the best
you've got to change the world
and you use this chance to be heard
your time is now

everything you are
and everything you were
your number has been called
fights and battles have begun
revenge will surely come
your hard times are ahead

you've got to be the best
you've got to change the world
and you use this chance to be heard
your time is now

let yourself down
don't let yourself go
your last chance has arrived

you've got to be the best
you've got to change the world
and you use this chance to be heard
your time is now

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