Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Man of Steel

The man of steel referring not to Super Man but to mittal who by the way I think we should come to respect not because of the fact that he is indian and has made it big but becaus ehe has made it big. I have noticed a deplorable trait amongst many people and that is the way they go out of their way to link themselves to successfull people. Look at the way we went out of our way to call the kalpana chawla an Indian citizen , for gods sake she was an american citizen and went out of her way to make it painfully obvious . Why is it that we have such a lack of heroes around here in our own country that we must look to others that hace rejected it and force our adorations upon them . Why must we hail the sucess of people like mittal and chawla while ignoring the fact that they have done their best to alientate themselves from us. Mittal interestingly enough has opened a college in Rajisthan they have multiple engineering disciplines taught there and obviously he seems to be trying to make up for the fact that he has so far to a large extent ignored setting up many of his plants here despite india bieng the third largest exporter of iron in the world.

Of course the way the IT companies look to us to do their dirty work somthing that would be called the computer equivalent of a labourer is also part of what Im getting at. Now dont get me wrong Im not reducing the dignity of labour but I am against saying that because we got all the back end jobs of the world being done here in india we have become an IT super power if that is what our definition is then beleive you me China is going to overtake us a couple of years . I dont know may be Ill write more on this later with more structure to it.