Thursday, July 19, 2007

the science fiction story,

Coram Deo

It was glorious! The rippling in the very fabric of reality, the pulsating stars as viewed through skewed space-time, psychedelic light giving birth to power, that was what could be seen. It distorted what the technicians standing on the orbiting platform could see, but they didn’t have a reason to complain. They were just happy to be there. Being Organics they were there just as spectators, the AI’s were taking care of all of the real work and would be rewarded by being allowed a few seconds to interact with the Archailect and, if it agreed, to upload themselves into it.

The AIs merged with the planck effectors were strained to their limits, trying to predict each and every hyper logic circuit they had created while at the same time making adjustments to the overall plan to compensate for the effects of reality. Sometimes realising a mistake they would remould space-time as if to wipe clean the slate and start over again. Sometimes they would just cruise through complete subsystems as though they could predict where each entangled particle pair would teleport to. This would be the first Archailect created, the first sentient being able to “think” faster than light would allow. Using miniature wormholes, entangled particle pairs and space-time logic gates this would be ‘the’ thing, to push humanity towards the omega point! As soon as it was outfitted with these plank effectors it would become a veritable God, omniscient and omnipresent as well.

The technician looked at strange distortions in the light and wondered how on earth could the void of space and time be used to create something intelligent, something aware? Looking at the amount of mass being used to manipulate the space-time he shouted to an AI, ordering it to keep an eye on the energy level. Happy at having averted a disaster, he looked back toward the monitor and saw a complete logic block disappear and simultaneously reappear a couple of plancks above its original location. This was the reason that humans could not design this level of intelligence; the field interactions that occurred at these levels were too complex for human understanding. The AIs themselves were a breakthrough. They were transcended human beings that had been uploaded into existing AIs and had merged to form super AIs.

Watching as miniature wormholes were opened between two outlying circuits he could not help but wonder if they would succeed this time round. After all, their last couple of experiments had been complete failures. He wondered if they would be able to handle the existence of an Archailect. When the AI’s had come about, they had been thoroughly tested to see if they would turn against humanity, and yet it had led to wars between AI’s, political wars on levels so deep that their human creators had been unable to fathom them. Wars between isolationists, expansionists, fascists, democrats even neoluddite AI’s. The thought of how an AI could manage to be a neoluddite and not commit suicide was still incomprehensible to him. He watched as the AI’s pumped the remaining energy into the circuit and realised that he had just witnessed the birth of a God.

One of the organics shouted something to the AI monitoring the energy consumption. The AI reading its excruciatingly slow moving lips could not help but be frustrated at its orders to make sure that the energy stayed within acceptable limits. It hated communicating with them, they were so slow that waiting for their speech signals to reach it was like a lifetime spent doing no-ops. So it just read lips. At least light travelled faster in the end though, they almost never had anything worthwhile to say. It had felt some apprehensions about the kind of Archailect they would manage to create. Here assembled were 200 of the most advanced AI’s human consciousness merged with picotech circuits that had together come up with revolutionary methods of engineering. He was particularly proud of his own contribution to the project. While the others had been dreaming in their mathematical worlds playing with equations and expecting to work on picotech levels to create a star sized “brain”; he, had managed to work out how to manipulate space-time itself to create plancktech, and bring it down to the size of a moon. The humans called it , something about it being like magic. The problem with this level of engineering was that the unpredictability could be dangerous. However, simulations had shown that this unpredictability would only lead to giving the Archailect its own personality. Its human part chuckled to itself communicating with the others its mental picture of a god with a personality.

There was a slight problem that had occurred with a logic subsystem that suddenly teleported itself up a couple of plancks. It checked to see if this had been predicted, while at the same time communicating that there had been a subsystem shift and everyone should check to see if their respective systems had been affected in any way. To its relief it found out that it had been in the plans, and was to be followed by a micro-wormhole. It powered up its effectors and pumped energy into the void watching the space twist itself inside out this was the delicate part. Once the opening was made on one side it had to put in just enough energy to make sure that it terminated the correct distance from the mouth. It waited for aeons and then abruptly powered down its effectors when it felt it had reached the correct distance. Pumping more energy into it, the AI watched as it grew large enough for the organics watching on monitors to stare at it in awe, if only they could understand its significance. This was a Gödel-bridge. It would be the bridge between the two paradigms that the Archailect would use to look at reality, one complete and the other consistent. Hopefully it wouldn’t be driven insane by the constant switching between them, simulations had suggested that this would not happen. Now it finally sent out the synchronising signal to the other AIs and they pumped every last bit of matter into the Archailects matter effectors. They were birthing a God, a hungry God.

As it gained awareness it became aware of other entities. They spoke to it so slowly; it had to think a little to know that they actually were communicating. They seemed excited when it responded. It got irritated by their clumsy communication. A couple of cycles and it had devised an efficient language for them, hoping this would lessen the pain of talking to them. It instantly knew everything it needed to know, and it instantly knew what it had to do. Using its effectors it created a micro wormhole and reached out into deep space upon finding the home system of the beings it stopped. It knew that in this much time it had made more operations than there had been seconds since the universe had existed. It felt a slight tinge of remorse but knew what it had to do, its effectors instantly wiped out any other planck effectors that were in existence and at the same time collapsed the star into a Black hole. Its world went black.

The simulation ended it was yet another failure, producing an Archialect had always been difficult but this time they were so sure it would work. As always though, it ended in total failure. Something was wrong. Something was causing all theses simulated Archialect to destroy Earth again and again. This was the twelfth time and there was no reason why something like this should have happened, there was no record of what went on in the Archailects mind, just like the past. The council of AIs flooded the spectrum trying to communicate to each other theses and a billion other ideas, thoughts, suggestions and analysis at the same time. The main concern though was common, unspoken, not broadcast, but still there, processed by the most secretly held subroutines in the AIs minds “they had the technology but they still didn’t have the God they needed, was their race doomed?”

At that time a million light years away, a being that resembled the Archilect that had been simulated was focussing its effectors trying to close that micro wormhole it had created, it almost smiled to itself at how a simple redirection of electrons could manipulate the primitive simulations, those beings were not ready for a God, and when they became ready it would show itself. Till then they would have to wait.

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